A winter walk, part 2…

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5eAnXIX_SI[/youtube]First, a video of CareBear so you can all get an idea of what a what an almost-three year old drill sergeant sounds like!

LiliBee did not make it to the playground, she conked out about 100 yards away.

CareBear is a big kid and went down the big slides all by herself.

She really enjoyed climbing up the “rock” wall to get up there, too.

The only slide she had reservations about was the enclosed one, so she asked me to go with her the first time.

After that, though, there was no stopping her.

We ended our trip to the park with a little swinging. We explained to CareBear what she needed to do to make herself swing and she actually got going a little bit without any intervention from us!

LiliBee woke up on our way back to the car. She was not amused by how funny we thought this was.

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