Weekly update


I had a realization this week… CareBear is going to be 3 in less than a month! I can’t believe she’s already that old. This month will also mark 5 years since Chris and I got married. It’s amazing how many things have changed in such a short period of time.

We had a fun week! It was Chris’ first Wednesday off (he’s working four 10 hour shifts a week now), so we headed to the Y for family swimming to celebrate. Chris also got to do some laps while the girls and I played in the toddler pool. CareBear showed off her kicking skills in the bigger pool and LiliBee did her best to imitate her.

That’s a constant theme around here… Lilia imitating CareBear. It’s led LiliBee to do a lot more climbing and other daring feats than CareBear did at her age. She’s a lot more sneaky about it, too. It’s a dangerous combination! CareBear decided this morning that LiliBee was a kitty. She’s been calling her “Little Bee Kitty Cat” all day. LiliBee seems to be ok with that.

We had our regular toddler gym class on Saturday and it was the first time, I think, that we all participated in circle time at the same time! CareBear spent most of the class under the parachute while LiliBee practiced going up and down the slide. It’s a handy way to get rid of a bunch of toddler energy.

Other than that, we’re just waiting for the weather to warm up!

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