Weekly update
February 16th, 2009 at 19:15 (Weekly)
This update is going to be short and sweet (“like you” Chris would say, he’s silly that way). I sliced my finger along with the cauliflower this afternoon while attempting to make dinner and typing without it is slow and annoying… and there are way more typos than usual.
This week was pretty good. We’re dealing with a relapse of our January cold and even I’ve got stuffy nose this time around. We did manage to have a fun Valentine’s day. Nothing too out of the ordinary, though, “Tinkerbell” and popcorn all around. Between that and the candy valentine hearts she got from Grams, CareBear was pretty impressed with Valentine’s day this year. LiliBee was less than thrilled since CareBear got to have something that she didn’t.
Chris and I are going to get yummy takeout this week to celebrate the anniversary of our first date (it’s the one we use on the “off” years when there isn’t a leap day) and we might even get away to a movie or something.
I hope everyone has a good week!