Weekly update
February 23rd, 2009 at 17:38 (Weekly)
We had a terrible week! Ok, not terrible, but we were all sick with a cold and that took up most of our week (and caused a serious lack of updates on this blog!). I spent several days with a stuffy head… which meant that I couldn’t hear, smell or think. That’s not a good combination with two toddlers in the house! We’ve pretty much all recovered by now, Chris was the last one to come down with it so he’s still a bit stuffy.
Chris and I spent our afternoon of anniversary “freedom” exploring the wonders of the banking world instead of seeing a movie. We got a lot done, but it wasn’t quite as fun as it could have been. Hopefully, we’ll make it to a movie eventually. We did get our yummy Thai take-out, though!
LiliBee had her 15 month checkup on Friday… otherwise known as, “will she ever get to face forward in the car?”. (Answer: Not yet.) She is a very healthy toddler who’s also very tiny. She’s almost up to 19 lbs now, though, so she’s getting there! (It amazes me that she’s wearing the clothes at 15 months that CareBear wore when she was 9 months old.) She won over the doctor, though, by running up to him with a big smile when he walked through the door. And then she scared him by climbing to the top of the exam table and standing up near the edge! That’s my girl.
CareBear spent the week being a little baby. She apparently decided that it was a good gig and announced that we should call her “Baby CareBear”. She then told us what babies can and can’t do as well as what they can and can’t eat. Luckily, being a baby isn’t fun for very long and she generally forgets that she’s supposed to be helpless. I was particularly amused when Chris told her that babies can’t run and that they crawled everywhere… we could hear her run all over the house, until she’d get to the doorway of the room we were in where she’d drop down and crawl to us.Â
I hope everyone is well!