Weekly update

Happy Spring! 

We had a nice week, though not nearly as exciting as last week. It was pretty low key around here and we managed to get some stuff done. All good.

CareBear had her 3-year doctor’s appointment last week. She was very brave, of course. There weren’t any vaccinations, but they did a finger stick to check her hematocrit (for anemia, she’s fine but they like to screen for it) and she had her first TB test. I’m guessing a needle stick is a needle stick to her. Anyway, she’s good and healthy! She’s right on track for height and weight for her age and doing all the right stuff. We do need to go back in a month to get her vision checked again and then they’ll decide if she needs more testing. I guess they wait for two abnormal tests before referring kids to an eye doctor. I wouldn’t be too surprised if she needed glasses.. she seems to see ok, but Chris is mostly blind and there are plenty of people with glasses in the family!

LiliBee decided to start talking more, finally! She’s been picking up words and sounds a lot faster in the last couple of weeks and will now ask for snacks and water with her own words instead of waiting for CareBear to translate. LiliBee has also decided to take her fashion advice from CareBear… whenever CareBear strips (a daily occurrence), LiliBee does too. Whenever CareBear is a dancer, LiliBee is too. There are a lot more costume changes going on these days!

Chris’ trial is moving right along. The prosecution rested last week and it looks like the defense is going to rest this week. Then it’s all deliberations and verdicts and he can finally tell me all about it! I did my own research and figured out what the case was way back in the beginning, but it will be nice to get to hear all of the courtroom stuff once it’s over.

We’ve got some fun stuff to do this week! The girls and I are heading down to Centralia to visit my Aunt (yay for birthday lunch). And I’m hoping to get my hair cut… that may not sound like a big deal, but it only happens once or twice a year!


  1. Auntie said,

    March 27, 2009 at 23:05

    So, Mrs I get to take over the website since Chris is a slacker and didn’t keep it updated….

    Ever going to fill in who lives there?!?!

    I can’t comment in the Project 365 section so I have to tell you here that I love the Carys OCD picture because, well, you know why.

    And OMG the box of SPUD delivery looks SO GOOD!

  2. Amy said,

    March 28, 2009 at 07:21

    Hey! You already know who lives here! (But, yeah, I need to get on some of the other sections now that I’ve figured out my photo albums and blog stuff.)

    I do update regularly, though…

    The OCD pic is good isn’t it? If only I could get one of Maisy doing something similar to add.

    The SPUD delivery is fun!

  3. Auntie said,

    April 1, 2009 at 14:38

    For Maisy it would have to be a video, lol

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