Weekly update

We had an exciting week around here! CareBear had two big milestones and, of course, there was Mother’s Day.

We took CareBear to the library to get her very own library card. Chris helped her fill out the application, but she did everything else. She decided to check out some dinosaur books so she asked the librarian where they were.

It was very cute how excited she was about the whole process. We’ve read her library books several times a day since then, too!

CareBear’s other big event this week was getting a brand new booster seat. She’s just big enough to move out of her old car seat, which is handy as LiliBee is finally growing out of the baby bucket (infant seat). We let CareBear pick out her new seat and made a big deal about what a good big sister she was to give her old one to LiliBee. It was so successful that we ended up taking a trip to the park since CareBear was just going to sit in the car in the garage for awhile. 

The park  that we went to is one that I remember well from my own childhood so it’s fun to watch my kids enjoy it, too.

CareBear and LiliBee both loved the creek and the playground.

The also played a nice game of “Pooh sticks” with Chris. Once it gets a little warmer, we’ll have to take them back to actually wade and play in the water.

Chris made me a lovely Mother’s Day breakfast on Sunday and then let me have a luxurious bubble bath while he entertained the kids. It was quite relaxing, though I did end up with company after awhile! Then we headed down to Olympia for lunch/dinner with Chris’  family. It was fun to go out with everyone and the kids all did great.

This week is looking a little busy, but it’s mostly fun stuff. Chris is away tonight having a sleep study done. I think it would be kind of hard to sleep knowing that someone is watching and listening and recording everything, but I guess they make it as home-y as possible. We have some fun visiting planned later this week and more Mother’s Day fun.

Plus, LiliBee will be 18 months old!

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