Weekly update


Happy Memorial Day! I hope everyone was able to get out and enjoy the weekend.

We spent some time at the Farmer’s Market again, picking up some tasty fresh cheeses and a couple of heirloom tomato plants. I’m not entirely sure what to do with the tomatoes, but I’m sure I’ll figure it out.

(By the way, CareBear took this picture of Chris.) It doesn’t seem like we did much this last week, though we seemed busy at the time. Chris had a day trip out to Fort Worden, which meant we didn’t see him hardly at all that day. Then, a couple of days later, they had some weird power issues at their building… so we didn’t see him much those days either! He’s got another trip to Fort Worden this week, overnight this time. It’s weird how those small changes to our “schedule” make the week seem busier than it is!

Of course, we did get a little visiting done and a few trips to the park, so we weren’t idle the whole week! We also did a vet run so Radio could get his shots and had Maisy groomed. Not bad at all.

We’re hoping that this week brings our long awaited play date with Auntie T and Z-bear… 

We’re starting to get ready for vacation! It’s hard to believe it will be June next week and we’ll be headed to the beach. CareBear is really getting excited about going to Seaside so we have a whole countdown going on the calendar. It will be fun to see what LiliBee thinks of the seals this year… I think she’ll get a kick out of them.

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