Weekly update
July 27th, 2009 at 18:19 (Weekly)
I’m happy to report that we’re all well this week. The plague seems to have run it’s course and we’ve recovered… except for Chris, who managed to avoid the whole thing. We think that breathing the filtered air all night probably helped him!
CareBear spent a couple of days at her “day camp” at the Y… music and playing and crafts, she loved it. On the first day, they made cardboard guitars and played musical chairs. On the second day, they made tambourines an played duck, duck, goose. She taught LiliBee and me how to play both games when she got home. I have to say, musical chairs is a lot easier to play with only 3 people than duck, duck, goose.
While CareBear was off at her class, LiliBee enjoyed only child status. I’d forgotten how much easier it is to get around (and quieter) with just one kid! We spent our time playing and shopping, just the two of us.
CareBear also had her first movie theater experience! While LiliBee played with Grandma and Grandpa, Chris and I took CareBear to see Ice Age 3. She was very impressed by the whole thing and alternated between thinking everything was hilarious to thinking that everything was scary and hiding her eyes. After it was over, she declared that the movie was fun.
CareBear decided to stay in Olympia for a slumber party with her cousin last night, so LiliBee and I have been on our own again today. We’ve been having a lot of fun playing with all of the toys and having a quiet nap. We’ve talked about all of the people in our family, all of the colors of the rainbow, all of the parts of her body and all of the neighbors. She’s become a big fan of the bumblebee song, so we spent a lot of time singing that. And playing “this little piggy”. She cracks me up.
We’re between sessions at the Y, so we don’t have any classes to go to this week! Between that and the heat wave, I’m hoping to spend some quality time with the air conditioner. Of course, the kids will want to go outside and play in the sprinkler so I’m sure I’ll end up in the heat anyway.