Weekly update

Is everyone enjoying the last day of summer? The weather looks to be pretty impressive this week as fall begins, if a little too warm for my tastes. The kids are certainly enjoying the nice weather and clear nights (they like looking at the stars before bed).

We had a fun week!

CareBear continues to be happy about going to school. She really is enjoying it and likes to teach us the songs she’s learned. Art seems to be her only real concern… she can’t make it to all of the “stations” during art time and is always sad about the ones that she missed out on. She’s excited about my first time as “snack mom” this week, though.

We had a quick trip to the fair while Chris was working the radio booth. CareBear won a giant, stuffed turtle playing a ring toss game, which was pretty impressive considering it was one of the “real” fair games and not the “kiddie” version. There were a few more rides, some tasty treats and we even listen to a doo-wop band for awhile. The kids really liked the show until the singer came over to sing to them, then they got all shy. Chris had fun being a radio guy, though, and enjoyed talking to the people who stopped by the booth.

While CareBear was at school on Thursday, LiliBee and I went to the park. She had the playground all to herself, which is a totally new experience for her. She had a great time climbing and going down the slides. We even saw some deer! A doe and 2 half grown fawns, I think.

We were hoping to get back to the fair this weekend (or I was, at least), but we ended up being responsible and staying home to work on the big clean and sort. We’ve got a bunch of stuff to go through and get rid of before we can move everyone into the bonus room during the new floor installation. The flooring arrived this weekend, though, so that was pretty exciting… if also a bit frustrating and overly complicated. They also brought my new washer and dryer, which I totally love so far!

CareBear did have her first gymnastics class of the short “in-between” session at the Y this weekend. She’s really getting into learning the jumps and balance beam. I’m always impressed with the coaches that take on the class of three-year-olds… they’re a chaotic bunch.

This week should be fun and productive. Chris’ dad is coming up on Wednesday to help get stuff pulled out of the house for donation to Habitat for Humanity. I get to go to school with CareBear, which means LiliBee will get my folks all to herself. I’m totally going to the fair and getting ice cream (and no one can stop me!). And the big clean and sort should be mostly complete… with the possible exception of my extensive crafty collection (Chris has been amazed by the amount of knitting and scrap-booking stuff I’ve accumulated… and the candles). And it’s Fall!

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