Greetings from remodel central. We’ve made the move upstairs, the bedrooms are empty of furniture, the living room is full of furniture, new doors and molding are ordered, some of the ceilings are no longer popcorned, the carpet is gone from most areas, some of the walls are painted fresh new colors and there’s pretty bamboo flooring in the master bedroom. It’s been a big week!
The remodeling is going pretty well. There have been minor skirmishes, but nothing too serious. All of us sleeping in one room has actually gone much better than I anticipated, though keeping the kids occupied while they’re awake is more of a challenge with most of the toys, activities and supplies packed away. The girls have enjoyed having Chris’ folks around, though! It’s always fun to have a new audience…
The animals are adjusting to the change in routine. Mostly, the cats hide and the dogs try to check everything out by getting in the way.
We had some fun, too, though. We got the house (the outside, anyway) decorated for Halloween! I haven’t taken any good pictures, yet, but I will. CareBear loved all of the spookiness and decorations, but LiliBee wasn’t too sure. She seems to be more of a “pretty twinkly lights” girl so far.
CareBear had a big sleepover with cousin H, which I hear was lots of fun and involved pony movies and baking cookies. LiliBee and I took advantage of the one-on-one time to visit my folks and get her some undivided attention.
Quick Fundraising n=Note: If you know anyone who’s planning on going to the “Magical Night of Giving” at the Supermall next month, we’re selling tickets to it for $5 each. I hear it’s fun and the savings are pretty good, but I’ve never been to it myself. More info about the event can be found here.
This week we get to go on our first, official school field trip! We’re heading to
Spooner’s pumpkin patch with CareBear’s class to ride the Pumpkin Express (whatever that is) and visit the corn maze. Lilia and I get to tag along and the weather isn’t supposed to be too bad, so it should be a fun outing. And, of course, this weekend is Halloween! Too bad I don’t have a costume that fits this year… maybe I’ll figure something out.