Weekly update
October 19th, 2009 at 09:04 (Weekly)
Well, it’s official… Fall has arrived. We’ve had lots of rain and wind and mud and puddles this week. It’s also getting a little chilly, which means now I have to keep track of coats when we’re out and about!
We’ve had a productive, if a little boring, week. We’re almost ready to move into the bonus room and get started on the new floors. We still need to finalize some of the paint colors and get the new doors. And I need to finish up with the kids’ clothes and figure out where to put everything while the rooms are “empty”. But we’re getting there.
LiliBee had her staples removed on Friday! She was a very brave and cooperative patient. The doctor says that her head is healing well and that there shouldn’t be any problems with it. So far, she hasn’t managed to injure herself too badly this week, which makes for a nice change of pace.
CareBear started gymnastics class again. She’s pretty good at the balance beam and the jumps, but her favorite is always the obstacle course. That kid loves to run around and climb over things.
We attended our first, official preschool birthday party (of the non-family variety, anyway) this weekend. CareBear was invited to one of her classmates’ pizza party. It was very exciting and just a little chaotic, but Carys had a great time picking out a present for the birthday girl and playing with all of her friends from school. LiliBee was too little to play on the outdoor “playground” but she really enjoyed her pizza and salad and cake.
This week will be interesting. There’s remodeling and a sleepover and I’m “working” at school. I get tired just thinking about it!