Weekly update

I hope everyone is staying warm! It’s pretty chilly out there, but no snow around here yet… I’m hopeful that we’ll see at least a few flakes before it warms up and rains again.

We had a lot of indoor fun this week, including scattering all of our cushions and pillows around the living room for jumping and climbing fun, but the real excitement happened in the yard. Chris spent the (very cold) weekend putting our Christmas lights out on the house and trees (love you honey!). They’re very pretty and the girls are thrilled. We’ve taken (very cold) walks around the neighborhood every night to look at all of the houses’ decorations.

We’re hoping to get our tree sometime this week. CareBear is so excited about all of it this year, which is fun to watch. LiliBee goes along with whatever CareBear is doing, of course, but is pretty pleased with herself when she notices decorations on her own. LiliBee is very much a twinkly lights girl, they fascinate her.

This week includes lots of school related fun. CareBear’s class is learning about sharing this month and she’s having a great time practicing at home… much to LiliBee’s delight. I’m “working” in class again this week and this weekend we’ll be fundraising. I’m gift wrapping at the South Hill Borders from 12:30 to 3:30 on Saturday if anyone wants to stop by and say hi.

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