The return of the weekly update
May 10th, 2010 at 17:15 (Weekly)
Ok, I was a total slacker for the last month or so. Chris finally called me on it, so the blog returns! Unfortunately, it looks like my formatting is going to need attention and I don’t know why the pictures won’t let me resize them. Guess the website feels neglected! But, that’s a problem for another time. Until then… the weekly update!
I hope everyone was able to enjoy the nice weekend and/or Mother’s Day. We had a pretty good time around here. The weather this weekend was so pretty that we spent most of it outside. CareBear and LiliBee had a great time running around, playing and helping with the yard work and AliBoo soaked up some sun and then complained that no one was holding her. We also had lots of “picnics”… I’m pretty sure they’d eat all of their meals outside if they could.
Mother’s Day was a pretty big event this year. CareBear is old enough to really get into it and LiliBee is always happy to go along with her. Chris took the girls to pick out a present, which turned into a big outing for them. They picked out a lovely locket necklace for me… heart shaped with “mom” on it. Now I just have to get some pictures printed up to go inside. I also received a couple of dry pasta and yarn necklaces and breakfast in bed! It was a very nice morning.
Unfortunately, I also got an ear infection for Mother’s Day so I got to spend some quality time at the urgent care clinic. My infection has since turned into a ruptured ear drum so I’m having a lot of fun now. At least my post-partum appointment went well and I’m cleared to lift small children again.
The girls celebrated the 70 degree weather by running through the sprinkler. Chris and I tried to talk them out of it, but they were insistent. They actually had a great time and didn’t get cold, believe it or not. I thought they were crazy.
This week should be interesting… CareBear is off to Mary Bridge for some testing, AliBoo will stay with Grams and Pas for the first time, we may or may not have a preschool field trip and both LiliBee and CareBear get to start another round of gymnastics at the Y. With any luck, we’ll shake off this run of annoying health problems and I’ll get to tackle all of the stuff that I’ve let slide for the last couple of months!