Weekly update
July 5th, 2010 at 12:00 (Weekly)
I hope everyone had a fun 4th of July! It was unseasonably cold and rainy but at least we didn’t have to worry about the neighbors lighting our house on fire.
We spent most of the week unsure of our plans… CareBear came down with a fever and cough on Tuesday and LiliBee followed on Thursday. Luckily, they were both better in just a couple of days so the only real casualties were the park play dates and their planned sleep-over with cousin H.
Our 4th was busy and fun. We spent the afternoon down in Olympia having BBQ at Chris’ folk’s place. The girls had a great time playing and learning all about those pop-its (or whatever they are) and sparklers. The weather cooperated and didn’t rain on us so we were able to enjoy some outside time even if it was a little chilly! AliBoo was annoyed by the change in her routine, but she got lots of attention so that made up for some of that.
In the evening, we made our way back up to Puyallup to watch the fireworks from my parent’s deck. They have a great view of the valley so we get a free show every year! After more tasty BBQ and playing, we settled in for the show. AliBoo quickly decided that it was past her bedtime so she hung out with Chris inside. LiliBee liked the fireworks at first but thought that the close ones were way too loud so she headed in with the uncle. CareBear, on the other hand, loved everything about the fireworks show. She told me several times that it was the best night ever and would scream and clap every time something exploded. She pretty much wore herself out with her own enthusiasm!
We spent a very quiet Monday recovering and relaxing (resulting in this email being a day late!). This week will be lots of fun since CareBear and LiliBee headed off to their rescheduled sleep-over this morning. They won’t be back until Thursday so I’m glad the weather has turned around and they’ll get lots of fun outside time… especially since we’re still wasp-infested here so our outside options are limited. AliBoo is enjoying her “only child” status, of course. It’s a novelty for her to be the center of attention all day (it’s tough being the third child). Chris and I are taking advantage of the “vacation” and dropping AliBoo off with my folks for a few hours tomorrow so we can go on a movie date!