Weekly update
December 21st, 2009 at 15:53 (Weekly)
We had a interesting week… it started with flour all over the house and ended with me trying to maim myself in the kitchen! In between, there was some fun stuff, though.
But first, flour-gate 2009… I was negligent and forgot to put the flour away last monday afternoon. While I was putting Lilia down for her nap, CareBear took the opportunity to add flour to her graham cracker snack. And to the counter. And the cupboards, the floor, the frig, the dining room, the living room, the couch, the stairs and the bonus room! It was very impressive. It’s amazing how far a couple of pounds of flour can go and she managed to go through it all! She’s usually so well behaved during nap time…
Most of our week was spent getting ready for Christmas. We finished up our shopping and got all of the stuff I need to make food for our various functions. I think (hope) that we won’t have to venture out much this week and can avoid all of the holiday shopping frenzy!
CareBear is on winter break for the next two weeks and classes at the Y don’t start up again until the end of January… I don’t know what we’re going to do with all the extra time!
I got older this week. My folks treated me to a very nice dinner Friday evening for my birthday… I even got cake! That wouldn’t usually be a big deal, but I’m supposed to be avoiding sugar due to the gestational diabetes so it was a very nice treat. And now I’m back to trying to be super careful (until later this week when I indulge a bit for Christmas… the doctor says it’s ok, honest!).
My birthday celebration continued over the weekend when Chris and the girls treated me to breakfast in bed. CareBear got a big kick out of the whole idea and LiliBee loved being a “runner” for Chris and bringing me water and utensils. Later, Chris took me out for nice dinner date while the kids went to a pizza/craft/music party at the Y. Overall, a great birthday weekend!
This week will be busy busy busy! We have several family gatherings over the holiday weekend and yet another ultrasound. Plus, I’ve got baking to do (LiliBee will be thrilled, she loves it when I’m in the kitchen) and presents to wrap! It’s a fun time, but I think I’ll be happy to wind down next week, too.
I hope everyone has a great holiday and that our friends over on the East coast are staying warm!