Weekly update

Well, I didn’t get this out yesterday as planned but I blame the holiday! Since Chris had the day off, I didn’t get to any of my usual Monday stuff (not that I mind, it’s more fun having him around).

We had a pretty fun week… some visiting, a little belated Christmas gifting, no doctor’s appointments and even a little downtime! I had a fun lunch with an old friend whom I haven’t seen in ages! It was great to find out what was going on with her and her family. And it was really nice to have Chris take the kids with him so I could have a leisurely meal and chat for as long as I wanted! We also hosted a playdate with Z and Tez. The girls seemed to enjoy running from one end of the house to the other, repeatedly. They did a lot of playing and snacking and the grown-ups got to chat so a successful visit all around!

We spent the long weekend running a few errands, playing outside (when it wasn’t too rainy) and generally just hanging around. We decided to have a relaxing weekend before things get too busy again! We’ll be going for my monthly ultrasound this week so I’m looking forward to seeing Banjo, as usual. I’ll be seeing one doctor or another every week from now on (I’m 30 weeks along and everything’s fine, but they have rules about being old and diabetic), until the end of March when the Banjo makes an appearance. I also get to be “snack mom” at preschool this week, which is always fun. CareBear has decided that she wants to bring strawberry muffins so I’ll have to find a good recipe. Meanwhile, LiliBee is going to get a lot of good Grams and Pas time so it’s a good week for everyone!

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