Weekly update
January 19th, 2009 at 13:41 (Weekly)
Another quiet week. Chris had an extra couple of days off (one of the better parts of working for the state is the holidays!) so we were able to get some errands and organizing done. Now if only I could find the time to ditch all of the clutter, we’d be in pretty good shape!
LiliBee is now officially 14 months old… she walks, runs, climbs, yells, waves… she’s not a baby anymore. She’s getting her first molar, so that’s been a lot of no fun. It’s messing up her sleep and making her chew on her clothing.
She’s thinking about starting to talk, though. She’s been focusing so much on learning to do everything CareBear can do that it hasn’t been a priority (and CareBear does enough talking for everyone). Still, she’s working on a few words that aren’t “mama!” now and that’s a nice change. And Grams taught her to blow kisses, which is beyond cute.
CareBear has become an expert pedal-er. She still has trouble getting going in the mud or gravel due to the lack of traction on the wheels, but she’s getting pretty good at going once she gets started. Steering is a bit more challenging… I hadn’t noticed that none of her riding toys to this point let the kids actually steer (I suppose it’s supposed to be “safer” or something) but I keep having to remind her that she has the freedom to decide where to go.
This week should be a bit more exciting as our toddler gym class (finally) starts up again. CareBear is looking forward to all of the running around and LiliBee will actually be able to participate in the obstacle course now that she’s a fairly stable walker. We also get to start planning our annual Seaside vacation (and Ham Radio pilgrimage), which is always lots of fun.