Vacation update #1
June 4th, 2009 at 10:40 (Vacation)
Greetings from Seaside!
We’ve discovered a wireless internet signal that we can “borrow” from our home away from home, so I’ll be able to update a few times! No pictures yet, though, since I’m on Chris’ laptop and I don’t know how to upload them. I’m sure I can talk him into showing me sometime soon.
We made it safe and sound after an uneventful drive down. The rental house is quite nice, with lots of bedrooms and a big living room. The kitchen is in the process of being remodeled, but it has lovely new appliances and a fabulous sink. I love interesting kitchen and bathroom fixtures.
After the long trip (they did sleep through parts of it) and the walk around town and on the beach last night, everyone actually slept well! Until I was awakened around 4am by a hungry baby. And then I was kept awake by the invasion of Mothra. Moths can make a lot of noise when they’re banging around walls and ceilings! Especially when they’re the size of a Japanese monster.
CareBear has declared that this place is “super awesome” compared to our “boring” house. She can’t wait for her grandparents (Chris’ folks) and cousin H to get here so she can show them the carousel and the beach. LiliBee loved playing in the sand yesterday afternoon. I’m hoping to get them down to the water this afternoon to see what LiliBee thinks of that. She was too little last year to really get the wading thing.