Vacation update #3
June 7th, 2009 at 15:45 (Vacation)
Greetings from Seaside!
Our weather has taken a turn toward overcast and slightly drizzly, but we continue to have great fun!
We managed to finally get the BBQ going Friday evening and enjoyed some tasty burgers and hot dogs. The effort of cleaning up the BBQ and getting it going may or may not have been worth it, you’d have to ask Chris.
Yesterday was more convention time for Chris so the girls and I joined Grandma, Grandpa, Auntie and Cousin H for some outlet shopping. I got the girls some new jammies and Grandma bought everyone pretty dresses. After some browsing and being very good, the kids were rewarded with a trip to the chocolate shop. CareBear chose a crazy s’mores on a stick type treat that was dipped in white chocolate and mini-M&Ms. It took her 3 sittings to eat the whole thing!
Saturday afternoon, Uncle drove down for a brief visit so Cousin H and Auntie took him out to see the sights of Seaside. Meanwhile, CareBear tagged along with Grandma and Grandpa for some antiquing so LiliBee and I were on our own. We went window shopping along the main street (Chris even joined us inbetween seminars). I put her in the backpack and she napped while I checked out the cute shops. According to the pedometer on my cell phone, we put in almost 6 miles!
After regrouping, we all went out for pizza at a local and very noisy arcade. The pizza was ok, but the kids are too young to fully take advantage of the arcade games.
This morning, CareBear and Cousin H made blueberry muffins for breakfast and then we all headed out to get our Old Fashioned pictures taken. Once I get home and can scan them in (along with the info for the shop, so that everything’s all legal). It was a struggle to keep the three girls happy and focused during what turned out to be an almost 3 hour event, but I think we ended up with some good shots. The photographer was very patient with us.
We were able to spend some more quality time at the beach this afternoon, and Chris even joined us! His convention is offically over for another year, (insert big sigh from him here). The water was colder than it was the other day, but we managed to talk CareBear into running around in the waves anyway. LiliBee loves playing in the ocean and we can hardly get Cousin H to come back out. Everyone had a great time and we even got some ocean video!
There is baking going on right now as CareBear and Cousin H make cupcakes with Auntie. That will be a nice treat! And Chris and I get to go out to a fancy dinner alone tonight (ok, not fancy so much as yummy and not-fast-food). We’re going to Norma’s, which is one of our favorites down here. They have fabulous clam chowder.
I think we’ll have one more big family trip to the beach tomorrow (and I think the weather will even clear up a bit!) before they all head back north. Chris and I and the girls will be here until Wednesday… I wonder what we’ll do once we’re on our own…