Weekly update

Is everyone enjoying the last of the nice weather (around here at least)? I know I’m looking forward to the rain and wind this week, but that’s mostly because I want to stop taking the allergy medicine.

Last week’s announcement certainly raised a few questions! “Banjo” will be joining the family (externally, at least) around the end of March 2010, so right in between CareBear’s birthday and Chris’ birthday. That puts me at almost 14 weeks along right now. “Morning sickness” is mostly in the evening for me, and I really couldn’t face preparing anything raw, so Chris and the kids ended up with a lot of fast food for a few weeks. We will be keeping this baby a “surprise”, just like the last two, so everyone has to wait another 6 months or so to know if it’s a boy or girl. LiliBee and CareBear have an ongoing argument about that, but those two can turn anything into an argument! The ultrasound picture was actually a few weeks old, from when I was around 10 weeks, which may explain why it looks very much like a white blob. Banjo will arrive by scheduled cesarean if everything goes according to plan (my only option after two emergency c-sections). And we will then have three kids under five years old… and be outnumbered.

Anyway, this week was lots of fun!

I got to “work” at preschool as the snack mom. CareBear decided on apples and cheese as our snack and helped me prepare and portion it out. As snack mom, I got to play with the kids in the blocks/puzzles/etc room and then the bubbles area during outside time. CareBear had a great time being the helper for the day. Meanwhile, LiliBee ran errands with Grams and Pas and enjoyed being the only grandchild for a bit.

We donated all of our interior doors and old bathroom fixtures, so our storage shed is nicely cleared out. Unfortunately, that means that we’ve got a very open floor plan right now! Still, it was nice to have good forward momentum in the remodeling. Chris and his dad opened up some of the boxes of flooring to see which way will look better when they lay it out. It’s going to be such an upgrade when it all gets put in… getting rid of all of the dark features will make the house seem so much brighter.

The Y was hosting a big community open house over the weekend so LiliBee got to get her face painted and play in the gym while CareBear had her class. They had all kinds of things set up for the kids… now I just need to remember to register for next session!

We hit the fair for the last time this year. After a tasty lunch, Chris took the girls on the skyride. They loved being up so high and seeing the whole fair. CareBear has actually been talking about it ever since they rode last year, so it must be pretty impressive from their point of view. Meanwhile, I helped out a lost kid. There was much rides riding and then we (finally) had our annual treat at the dairy barn. It was a warm and crowded day at the fair, but lots of fun.

This week should be interesting. Apparently, I’m scheduled to go to preschool again on Thursday! I didn’t expect to do two weeks in a row, but it counts as a completely different month so maybe that explains it. I’ll be doing “art” this time, though, so that will be new and exciting! Since we’re out of fairs to go to, I guess I’ll get serious about sorting and storing the kids clothes and shoes. And I really need to find my maternity pants.



Scheduled to arrive early next year.

Weekly update

Is everyone enjoying the last day of summer? The weather looks to be pretty impressive this week as fall begins, if a little too warm for my tastes. The kids are certainly enjoying the nice weather and clear nights (they like looking at the stars before bed).

We had a fun week!

CareBear continues to be happy about going to school. She really is enjoying it and likes to teach us the songs she’s learned. Art seems to be her only real concern… she can’t make it to all of the “stations” during art time and is always sad about the ones that she missed out on. She’s excited about my first time as “snack mom” this week, though.

We had a quick trip to the fair while Chris was working the radio booth. CareBear won a giant, stuffed turtle playing a ring toss game, which was pretty impressive considering it was one of the “real” fair games and not the “kiddie” version. There were a few more rides, some tasty treats and we even listen to a doo-wop band for awhile. The kids really liked the show until the singer came over to sing to them, then they got all shy. Chris had fun being a radio guy, though, and enjoyed talking to the people who stopped by the booth.

While CareBear was at school on Thursday, LiliBee and I went to the park. She had the playground all to herself, which is a totally new experience for her. She had a great time climbing and going down the slides. We even saw some deer! A doe and 2 half grown fawns, I think.

We were hoping to get back to the fair this weekend (or I was, at least), but we ended up being responsible and staying home to work on the big clean and sort. We’ve got a bunch of stuff to go through and get rid of before we can move everyone into the bonus room during the new floor installation. The flooring arrived this weekend, though, so that was pretty exciting… if also a bit frustrating and overly complicated. They also brought my new washer and dryer, which I totally love so far!

CareBear did have her first gymnastics class of the short “in-between” session at the Y this weekend. She’s really getting into learning the jumps and balance beam. I’m always impressed with the coaches that take on the class of three-year-olds… they’re a chaotic bunch.

This week should be fun and productive. Chris’ dad is coming up on Wednesday to help get stuff pulled out of the house for donation to Habitat for Humanity. I get to go to school with CareBear, which means LiliBee will get my folks all to herself. I’m totally going to the fair and getting ice cream (and no one can stop me!). And the big clean and sort should be mostly complete… with the possible exception of my extensive crafty collection (Chris has been amazed by the amount of knitting and scrap-booking stuff I’ve accumulated… and the candles). And it’s Fall!

Scenes from a fair.

LiliBee’s newest skill…

We spend a lot of time brushing CareBear’s hair… it’s very curly and tangles up very easily.

LiliBee has been watching this for the last year and a half or so.

She’s apparently decided to help out.

CareBear happily sits still in the chair while LiliBee plays beauty salon.

It’s pretty cute and funny.

CareBear’s first day of school!

CareBear had started school. It’s a little weird for me to have her off on her own on a regular basis, but I suppose it’s a good thing since she loves it. Right?

She’s an independent kid. She has no problem with me leaving her there and hardly needs me to walk her in! She’s figured out the routine already and looks forward to all of the different parts of class. They start with songs and then have activity time (so far, painting and play dough are her favorites). Then there’s outside time, story time and snack time. After cleaning up, they have the always popular music time and then it’s time to go home. The two hours is pretty full and goes fast, I think.

She’s on her way. She’s growing up.

At least I have the little one to keep me company!

Weekly update

We had a fun, exciting and educational week around here…

We finally got the chance to use the extractor tool that we got from the doctor when CareBear shoved the pea up her nose! LiliBee decided to keep up tradition and wandered up to me the other day saying “pea” and pointing to her nose. Luckily, there was an uncle around to help me pop it out of there… that little tool is pretty nifty but I’m glad someone was around to hold her little arms out of the way!

We learned from poison control that laurel berries are poisonous, but you have to eat more than a couple before it becomes a problem. And we learned that kids should always check with their parents before eating random berries found in the yard to avoid the “you ate what?” drama.

CareBear had her first day of school! She was very excited for it and had a great time. I got to watch some of her “class” in between learning what my duties will be when it’s my turn to volunteer in class. I think outside time and music time were her favorites. I wonder when it will occur to her that she’s going back a couple of times a week for the next 9 months or so.

We took an impromptu visit to Olympia when Cousin H called to let us know that the butterflies she was raising had hatched. It was fun to see the butterflies drying their wings and finding their food. I hear that the butterflies were set free over the weekend and are currently living in Grandma’s garden.

This weekend was productive… we cleaned out the storage shed in our backyard! Chris’ dad came up to help move things around and haul stuff away, which was very helpful. Chris is happy to have a home for his tools and that will come in handy when it’s flooring time.

The girls and I spent this afternoon at the fair with my folks. It was a lovely day for it (a bit overcast but warm) and everyone had a great time. CareBear went on lots of rides. Her favorites are always the “obstacle course” types, but she got to ride on a real pony too.

LiliBee was a little bored waiting for those rides, but she loved going on the carousel and playing the games once it was her turn. We even ran into friends that I hadn’t seen in months, which was great considering I’d spent the weekend sorting through old college stuff and wondering how everyone was doing!

This coming week looks to be pretty busy. Chris has several things planned for his day off, some fun some not. He’ll be manning the amateur radio booth at the fair from 6-10 pm on Wednesday so if you’re in the area (I think it’s in the Hobby Hall), stop by and say hi! We’re also getting our big delivery this weekend. I’m pretty excited about the washer and dryer, but I’m still not sure where all the boxes of flooring are going… And, of course, I’m hoping for a couple more trips to the fair!

Taking pictures of kids…

Taking pictures of kids can be challenging… but we keep trying. I don’t know why.

“Stand over there together so we can take a cute picture of you!”

“Ok, look over here!”

There. Kind of.

And it’s all over.

So, like idiots, we tried again.

“Stand by that tree so we can see how tall you are!”

“Ok, look at the camera!”

“Yes, that’s a pretty dress.”

“Can’t you both smile at the same time?”

And, because we are incapable of learning our lesson…

“Sit on those cool benches!”

“Wait! Let me take the picture!”

Ehhh… forget it.

This is why I take so many pictures. It takes a lot to get a few good ones!


Having more than one kid can be interesting. For instance, the big one might be enjoying a leisurely evening in a lounge chair.

When the little one decides to join them.

And all is calm.

Until the head-butting and/or hair-pulling begins.


CareBear loves to help Chris. Since we’re starting some new projects, she had a great time helping him measure the rooms.

It’s very serious business.

She loves it when she gets it right.

LiliBee “helps” in her own way.

I can’t wait to see her learn to put in flooring!

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