LiliBee’s point of view

The kids love to take over my camera… CareBear is getting pretty good at taking the pictures that she wants. LiliBee is still learning which way to point the camera. Here are a few pictures by LiliBee:

Happily Ever After

LiliBee has started acting out stories with her Little People. It’s a lot of fun to watch.

Get back here, princess!

Here comes the prince.

Awwww… poor princess.

The plot thickens!

The prince and princess are together again.

LiliBee’s work here is done.

A girl and her doll

Last week, I posted about CareBear and Spots. This week, it’s LiliBee and one of her “babies” hanging in the car…

They play with toys.

They give hugs.

They take in the sights.

They talk.

They ‘re very cute.

It’s a good life.

Next Top Model, toddler edition

True to her nature as a little sister, LiliBee has to do everything CareBear does (you’ll notice her “coach” in the corner)… here are her “posing” shots… and a couple of head shots, just for fun.

Work it, baby!

LiliBee’s newest skill…

We spend a lot of time brushing CareBear’s hair… it’s very curly and tangles up very easily.

LiliBee has been watching this for the last year and a half or so.

She’s apparently decided to help out.

CareBear happily sits still in the chair while LiliBee plays beauty salon.

It’s pretty cute and funny.


Having more than one kid can be interesting. For instance, the big one might be enjoying a leisurely evening in a lounge chair.

When the little one decides to join them.

And all is calm.

Until the head-butting and/or hair-pulling begins.


On our recent visit to NorthWest Trek, we learned something new… benches are almost more fun than looking at the animals. The kids didn’t miss an opportunity to climb up onto a bench (and they had lots of opportunities, I’ve never noticed how many benches are scattered around the park). LiliBee and CareBear had different bench “styles” though…

CareBear and Pas were more of the “waiting for the bus” type of bench sitters.

Or maybe “hanging in the park”.

I have no idea what the topic of conversation was, but it was pretty entertaining to watch from afar!


LiliBee and Grams, on the other hand, seemed to have more of a “sporting event” method, with lots of looking back and forth.

Maybe it was tennis?

Or basketball?

But they certainly were much more animated than CareBear and Pas!


LiliBee loves be involved in everything. She also loves to share. During the most recent “great playroom clean-up” LiliBee collected a couple of toys to sit in a chair with her.

First, she shared Cartman with me.

Then she shared Pooh Bear with me.

Apparently, that was too much for Pooh and he needed a little reassurance.

It was pretty cute.


LiliBee is 19 months old… and she likes to tell knock-knock jokes. They go something like this:

Her: ‘Na ‘Na! (knock knock)

Me: Who’s there?

Her: Na Ba! (Nobody)

Me: Nobody who?

Her: Bah! Dah!

I have no idea what that last part is, but she’s very proud of it. We go through this several times a day. She gets her love of knock-knock jokes from her big sister, whose jokes make only slightly more sense.