Weekly update
February 22nd, 2010 at 15:55 (Weekly)
It’s another beautiful, spring day here in February! The weather has been fantastic lately, which is weird but it’s nice to get out of the house in the middle of winter too.
We had a very busy week! Chris got Tuesday and Friday off to make up for his very long shift last Saturday. Since I was scheduled to be snack mom at school on Tuesday, this was an extra bonus for CareBear. She loved introducing him to the new teacher and showing off for Papa’s visit. We brought bananas and blueberry muffins since CareBear insisted that was what Teacher Nancy wanted. We also made a special trip after school to get birthday party invitations to pass out to her class this week. CareBear had a very good day.
Wednesday was ultrasound day. Banjo is doing well and getting big. We’ve got about another month before we meet him/her which seems like both a very short time and a very long time. I think my abdominal muscles are starting to give up on me. Chris and I were able to go out to lunch on the Tacoma waterfront to celebrate our off year anniversary. The view was lovely, especially with the sunny day.
LiliBee is getting the hang of potty training! It’s more practice than practical at this point, but I think she’s starting to make the connection. We’re keeping it very casual, though, since I expect the transition to “middle child” in a few weeks might set us back a bit. On the other hand, she’s finally growing out of her 18 month clothes! Maybe people will start believing me that she’s two years old pretty soon.
We actually stayed home for most of the nice weekend. Chris and the girls spent quite a bit of time cleaning up the front yard (ok, they mostly watched and critiqued what he was doing) while I took advantage of the extra child supervision to be a little lazy and work on online stuff for the preschool. It was a mellow weekend but, looking back, it was also surprisingly productive!
This week we’re back to normal… and only one dr appointment! After seeing doctors on Sunday, Wednesday and Friday last week, only going once seems almost like a vacation. Of course, we have birthday party planning and flier distribution for the preschool to fit in, but I’m looking forward to a slower week