December 31st, 2008 at 13:17 (Kids)
Here are the kids in January:

And here they are now:

It amazes me how much they’ve changed in (what seems like) such a short amount of time! I have no idea where this year went, but it’s been crazy and fun.Â
Happy New Year!
December 30th, 2008 at 13:28 (Kids)
The girls like to make a playground out of the living room… wearing a padded swim suit and “diving” into the dog bed is apparently a lot of fun!

And one of the LiliBee, just for fun!

December 29th, 2008 at 20:22 (Holiday)
***This is a copy of the email that I send weekly to friends and family… just to see how it works!***
I hope everyone has enjoyed their holidays. We had a big, fun, extended Christmas this year.
Christmas Eve found us down in Olympia to celebrate with Chris’ folks and his sister’s family. The girls had a great time playing with cousin H and checking out all of the presents from Grandma and Grandpa. CareBear and LiliBee proved to be very efficient at tearing the gift wrap and ribbons off of packages. It snowed the whole time we were down there and they already had more snow on the ground than at our house. It made for a very pretty Christmas Eve and the roads weren’t too bad (most of them).
On Christmas, we had my folks and Uncle J over for a tasty brunch (if I do say so myself). The kids were excited to show off all of the cool new stuff they got and Grams and Pas were more than happy to add to it! CareBear loves it when people come to her house. Since I’d spent most of the week cooking and baking for our various Christmas functions, we were able to enjoy a nice, relaxing afternoon with everyone. The puppies even got new bones!
Yesterday (Sunday), we headed back down to Olympia for the big family gathering. Many of Chris’ aunts and uncles, along with their kids and grandkids, congregated at his folks’ house. Grandma Rose was able to visit with the whole extended family, which is always nice. And there were even more kids to play with! CareBear got into that, but LiliBee preferred to hang out with the adults. She spent most of the afternoon charming everyone by being snuggly.
Chris’ gift to me was control over this website! I’m pretty excited about that since it means it will be updated more than once every year or so. It’s still in the very preliminary stages since I’m changing everything, but feel free to poke around. My Christmas present to him (haha… more like his to himself) was a new laptop. Poor Lucy wandered by him with a static charge and fried his old one a few days ago. Luckily, there were some really good sales going on since this was an unexpected expense!
Other than that, we didn’t do much! Chris is back to working long days this week since they were unable to move the rest of the stuff out of their old building last week (silly servers are particular about temperature and weather conditions) and they have to get everything out before the end of the year. He’s been there 12 hours already today and I haven’t heard from him about when he’s coming home yet, which means it will be at least another few hours.
Our snow is just about gone. We still have a couple of inches of slush in the backyard, but that’s not as much fun as the snow. Our neighborhood is always one of the last to thaw out.
December 29th, 2008 at 17:51 (Uncategorized)