Happy New Year!

Well, it’s 2009. We had a pretty boring New Year’s Eve… a little grocery shopping, a quick dinner, lots of jumping around on the part of the small children, lots of shaking and panicking on the part of the big dog. Lucy really doesn’t like fireworks, so 4th of July and New Year’s are particularly difficult for her.

The fireworks lasted from 11:30pm until 1am around here last night. I’m not sure why they had to go on so long, but it made it impossible for me to sleep. I just hate it when Lucy is so upset. Consequently, we all slept in a bit this morning and we’re planning on doing a lot of nothing today. Nowhere to go, nothing to do… a good way to ring in the New Year, eh? I figure it’s one of the few days of the year when we really don’t have to do much so we might as well enjoy it!

1 Comment

  1. DragonBard said,

    January 1, 2009 at 13:43

    Lucy looks so cute! I really like what you have done with the site. I should have turned it over to you long ago…

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