Another week, another Easter celebration.
This week, we went to my folks’ to color Easter eggs (because, of course, everything got postponed due to flu).
CareBear had a great time helping to make the colors and coloring the eggs. She also liked hiding them herself and then finding them again. She fell in love with her green egg and slept with it for a few days, until it cracked and we had to say goodbye.
LiliBee, on the other hand, was very concerned by the egg coloring. She liked it when she could stir the egg around in the cup of color, but got really mad at every other part of the coloring process. I’m still not sure what her problem was, she’s usually a pretty easy going kid.
Apparently, it was terrible to subject the eggs to things like drying and moving around.
We celebrated Earth Day by planting some seeds.
Both girls thought that was a lot of fun and particularly enjoy the watering part of gardening.
The weather has been nice enough to play outside most days, even when it’s overcast and sprinkly. LiliBee has learned how to climb up the ladder and go down the slide all by herself. She’s a scary kid.
CareBear likes digging in the dirt and we usually all come in covered with sand. The other day, LiliBee somehow ended up with a diaper-full of it when I wasn’t looking!
This weekend was fun. We did some birthday gift shopping at
Freighthouse Square, which is always a fun place to visit. We also stopped at
DeCoursey park downtown to play and look at ducks. LiliBee was so enchanted by the ducks that she was inspired to learn how to say “duck”!
CareBear is off at a sleepover with her cousin tonight. I miss her terribly and it’s way too quiet around here, but I hear she’s having a blast at Grandma’s. I think LiliBee’s enjoying “only child” status, though.
We’re looking forward to a nice week of doctor visits and a birthday party. The party will probably be more fun.