September 7th, 2009 at 16:46 (School, Weather, Weekly)
It’s September and, apparently, that means rain, thunder and tornados! It’s been an interesting weather week around here and Lucy is not happy about that at all. Luckily, the worst of it hit east of us… I can’t imagine how panicked she’d be if a storm that bad went directly over us.
We had a fun week, otherwise. We had a great fun visit with Auntie T and Z with lots of good running around and tasty snacks. It was nice to finally meet their new dog, too. On the way home, CareBear asked if we could go back to play the next day.
LiliBee has learned that asking “why?” after any statement will result in more talking, so we hear that a lot these days. She’s also decided that “chase” is the best game and will randomly come up to me and shout “GET ME!” before taking off. It’s kind of hilarious.
Our weekend was spent running some errands. We borrowed a bunch of books from the library, mostly picture books though I look forward to the day when I get to actually read books with words again. We also picked out our new floors! Now if only we could decide whether to raise up our sunk-in living room floor or not. CareBear and LiliBee had a good time “helping” Chris measure the rooms, though.
This week will be a big one… CareBear is venturing into the big world of education! She’s been asking all summer to get to go to a “three year old school” so we signed her up for preschool. I think she’s going to have a great time. It’s a cooperative preschool, too, so I get to go with her sometimes!
The unfortunate (for you all) side to this is the beginning of fundraising… I spent all of those years supporting other people’s kids and then quit my job before I could get my turn! And anyone who knows me knows that I’m not really the “door to door rah rah rah” type of fundraiser… so I’ll be mentioning what we’re selling in my emails, briefly, just in case anyone is interested. Feel free to ignore it!
This month’s fundraiser is Entertainment books. They’re full of coupons to tons of different places and I can get them for any region in the country. $20 gets you the south puget sound version.
There. My work is done.
Anyway, the rest of our upcoming week will probably center around getting ready for the flooring delivery in a couple of weeks. We’ll have to stack boxes and boxes of flooring somewhere to acclimate for a month or so. I wonder how big the boxes are… Anyway, Chris has been spending his Labor day starting the organization of our bonus room. We figure we’ll all move in there while the floor gets done so that we’re not moving furniture from room to room just to get a place to sleep!
August 5th, 2009 at 12:00 (Kids, Weather)
When it gets hot, I think it helps to know someone with a swimming pool.
That way, you can impose on them and cool off.
It doesn’t hurt to splash the people outside the pool, too. They appreciate it, even if they say that they don’t.
You can also take the opportunity to teach your little sister to swim.
And just hanging by the pool is fun, too.
March 28th, 2009 at 17:13 (Weather)
I love the snow. Most people I know are tired of winter and looking forward to spring (and, technically, it is spring), but it started snowing here this afternoon. It’s sticking to the ground now and if there’s enough of it, I’ll get some pictures of the spring snow to post tomorrow. I just love watching the snow fall!
Of course, I love the rain, too. And the wind. And I hate it when it’s too hot and sunny. Is that weird?
January 27th, 2009 at 15:41 (Kids, Movies, Weather)
LiliBee is getting the hang of walking in shoes (it’s kind of hit and miss) and she had a lot of fun playing in the snow with the puppies. We only had a little bit of snow (less than an inch), but that probably made it easier to practice walking outside.
January 22nd, 2009 at 16:09 (Kids, Weather)
It’s already Thursday… I feel like I haven’t done much all week! That’s not entirely true as we’ve had some big advances in potty training and bedtime routines and everyone’s been fed and bathed and clothed, but I just don’t feel overly productive. Maybe it’s the mid-winter lull. It’s interesting to see how differently we all react to the winter season.
CareBear is a warm-blooded kid. She doesn’t like to wear her coat (or even clothes sometimes) no matter how cold it gets.  It’s the middle of winter and she’s become fascinated by the idea of sleeping in a tent and camping out. Chris made her a tent in the living room and she was an actual “happy camper”. I wonder if she’ll still be excited about it when we actually go camping in a couple of years.
LiliBee is a cuddle bug these days. She’s always been a chilly baby who likes to bundle up and snuggle. She’s thrilled that she can climb up on the couch or bed all by herself now to get to her blanket. She also likes to bring me stories to read… of course, I’ve been reading “10 Little Monkeys” for a couple of years now so all of the suspense is gone.
Me? I could go for one of those “long winter naps”.
January 8th, 2009 at 19:50 (Kids, Weather)
Another soggy day… not so much rainy, but the ground was soggy enough to keep us inside. The girls and I took a little drive downtown to check out how high the water was in the river. It was pretty impressive to see!Â
Since no one wanted to take a nap this afternoon (LiliBee napped in the car), CareBear decided we should have a cake party. We don’t have any cake, so I gave them graham crackers with cream cheese on top to decorate.
The girls had a lot of fun and they actually turned out kind of cute. Not too bad for a toddler “baking” activity, anyway.
LiliBee and I thought they were quite tasty, but CareBear preferred to just eat the sprinkles and “frosting” and feed the rest to the puppies.
January 7th, 2009 at 16:10 (Kids, Weather)
Our snow is officially gone (except for the pile out by the driveway created by shoveling). It’s been raining all day today and the news says there will be record flooding in the valley. Doesn’t sound good for the other areas of the state, either. I’m glad that we live on a hill!
Because of the weather, we spent the day inside.Â
Radio looked bored. Or thoughtful. It’s hard to tell with him.
CareBear danced in her padded swimsuit. It’s apparently pool party weather.
Meanwhile, the “puddle” at the end of our driveway convinced me that it was a good decision to stay in!
January 2nd, 2009 at 16:39 (Weather)
We woke up this morning to an inch or so of new snow! CareBear was thrilled, she was very sad when our previous snow started to melt. It’s unusual for us to have snow on the ground so soon after the last storm, but it’s fun! CareBear made Chris go out and play with her before we headed out for lunch with my folks. They had a great time… the puppies romped and the humans explored.Â
And poor little LiliBee was stuck watching out the window yet again. She’ll have more fun once she’s a bit more stable walking and can actually play in the snow. As it is, she often has to wait inside until I’m ready to go out too.