January 18th, 2009 at 16:12 (Uncategorized)
We did some shopping, Chris is playing with the new TV, the living room is full of blocks and the girls are having a “picnic”… and I baked two loaves of bread. Not bad for a Sunday!
January 18th, 2009 at 16:12 (Uncategorized)
We did some shopping, Chris is playing with the new TV, the living room is full of blocks and the girls are having a “picnic”… and I baked two loaves of bread. Not bad for a Sunday!
January 17th, 2009 at 19:46 (Kids, Movies)
[youtube][/youtube]It’s movie night, and that means Finding Nemo! Chris makes popcorn and CareBear gets to pick the movie… at least until LiliBee is old enough to have an opinion about it.
[youtube][/youtube]It’s almost always Finding Nemo. We had a break for a couple of weeks when she got Tinkerbell from Grandma for Christmas. But now we’re back to Nemo.
[youtube][/youtube]We’ve tried other movies… all kinds of movies. But we only get about 15 minutes into them before they are deemed “not a very good movie” and we’re back to Nemo.
[youtube][/youtube]Luckily, it’s not a bad movie (we owned the DVD even before there were any kids in the house). There are even parts that I enjoy.
Still. Over and over and over? I’ll be glad when we get to watch a variety of movies.
(Disclaimer: These are not my videos. If it’s illegal, I didn’t do it. I wouldn’t even know how to do it.)
January 15th, 2009 at 17:23 (Kids)
CareBear may be our resident drama queen, but LiliBee is the expert pouter. At the risk of being called “mom-parazzi”, these pictures amuse me to no end…
I don’t think my needs are being met.
Pleeeeease bend to my will!
Hmmm… I wonder if I wanted a banana…
Yes, the banana will do.
Bonus picture:
The other cheeky monkey.January 14th, 2009 at 18:24 (Kids)
Follow the leader is the best game ever… even if it is freezing outside and LiliBee can’t walk more than a few steps before falling down. (LiliBee has trouble with shoes.)
Taking pictures of the tv is fascinating… and if you have a digital camera, you should take at least 15 pictures of Diego. (Diego is ©Viacom, I think.)
The stupid “popcorn” ceiling in my bedroom looks like clouds. The clouds look like moose. These moose are apparently eating children. But aren’t scary at all.
January 13th, 2009 at 12:43 (Kids, Video)
I still haven’t figured out how to convert videos for uploading directly, but the YouTube thing isn’t so bad…
In which I find out that we’re a family of doggies while LiliBee just does her own thing.
January 12th, 2009 at 19:46 (Kids, Weekly)
I hope everyone was able to stay dry this week. We had quite a bit of water hanging around at the end of the driveway, but nothing too bad. I’m always happy that we live on a hill when the flooding starts.
We’re still in our post-holiday lull around here. I’m kind of enjoying not having much going on, but I’ll be glad when the toddler gym classes start up again… CareBear needs an outlet for her excess energy!
LiliBee is finally getting the teeth she’s been working on for the last month or so. They’re coming in on the top, which means that she’ll have 6 upper teeth and only 2 lower teeth… that seems unbalanced to me (not to mention uncomfortable) so I’m hoping that the bottom teeth aren’t far behind.
We took a walk around the neighborhood the other day to check out the puddles and wildlife. CareBear made friends with a kitty down the road and learned how to pedal the “bike” that the neighbors loaned us (though she can’t quite get enough force behind it yet since there isn’t much traction to the wheels). She came up with all kinds of adventures that we were on, which was a lot of fun.
My New Year’s resolution is going well enough that Chris decided to do a Project 365 himself… he’s going to (theoretically) take a picture of himself every day this year, along with whoever happens to be around at the time. It should be fun to see how much he changes over the year (check it out). He’s even blogging!
January 11th, 2009 at 18:45 (Crafty, Holiday, Kids)
A fun day today… we had guests! Some very good friends stopped by for a belated Christmas gift exchange and much fun ensued. The kids all had a good time playing together and CareBear played hostess by swiping graham crackers off of the counter for everyone.Â
We set up the CareBear’s new toddler bed and I made a canopy for it! I found these instructions and adapted them a bit as there’s no need to be quite so fussy for a toddler’s bed. My version is much simpler and there’s no sewing involved. Anyway, CareBear got to pick out the colors that went into it and I think it came out pretty nice!
CareBear thinks it’s fun and LiliBee pretended to sleep.
One of the new Christmas presents was some nifty battery-powered gears for on the refrigerator. CareBear opened the package all by herself and told me that she was going to make a special machine! I love that she knew that was what gears were used for.
My whole family was fascinated.
Even Lucy came over to check it out!
January 10th, 2009 at 18:14 (Uncategorized)
We did some productive shopping and Chris got several things accomplished… so why do I fee like I lost the whole day?
I need a nap.
January 9th, 2009 at 12:45 (Kids)
We had a cranky morning around here. Ok, I was cranky… but I’d be less cranky if the children would let me sleep more than a few hours at night. And stop coloring on the couch. And weren’t so cranky themselves… and… and…Â
The upshot is that I decided we all needed some fresh air so we headed out into the neighborhood for a walk.Â
CareBear is learning how to peddle and steer.
And, sometimes, she wishes I’d just put the camera down and push her big wheel.
LiliBee wasn’t sure about riding in the backpack at first. (And, to be fair, I didn’t exactly know what I was doing… Chris usually uses the big backpack while I stick to my quick, easy and much-loved Ergo carrier!)
But she seemed to enjoy it once she got used to it.
January 8th, 2009 at 19:50 (Kids, Weather)
Another soggy day… not so much rainy, but the ground was soggy enough to keep us inside. The girls and I took a little drive downtown to check out how high the water was in the river. It was pretty impressive to see!Â
Since no one wanted to take a nap this afternoon (LiliBee napped in the car), CareBear decided we should have a cake party. We don’t have any cake, so I gave them graham crackers with cream cheese on top to decorate.
The girls had a lot of fun and they actually turned out kind of cute. Not too bad for a toddler “baking” activity, anyway.
LiliBee and I thought they were quite tasty, but CareBear preferred to just eat the sprinkles and “frosting” and feed the rest to the puppies.
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