May 31st, 2010 at 19:20 (Weekly)
Happy Memorial Day! I know it doesn’t feel like the (unofficial) beginning of summer around here yet, but the sun actually came out today so that’s a start. I am looking forward to being able to send the kids outside to play soon, though.
I had hopes of (finally) having a doctor free week, but I ended up going in to get my ear looked at since I hadn’t recovered from my ear infection a few weeks ago. It’s much better now. Then CareBear got another UTI so she got to go in, too! I wish we could figure out how to stop that, but we’re getting good at recognizing them early. The cold we all came down with last week was very mild, at least.
CareBear had her last day of school and we all had a great time. LiliBee was thrilled to get to stay at school. She felt like such a big girl playing with the other kids. There was a beach party theme to the day so we decorated paper surf board, “fished” for plastic fish and made fruit loop leis. AliBoo wasn’t thrilled with the lack of dedicated snuggling time but she seemed to enjoy watching the kids have their snack time, once she was fed of course.
Our weekend was pretty low key. We’re getting ready for our annual trip to the ham radio convention, but it’s going a little more slowly this year. I keep having to stop and pick up a baby or feed a couple of children! I keep hoping to get the house somewhat cleaned up for our house sitter, but I’m not sure how much of that is going to get done.
Chris is officially on vacation (well, starting tomorrow since today is a holiday). He’s celebrating by taking care of all of the things on my list that I’m not getting to. He’s handy like that. I think he’s enjoying the break from work, though.
AliBoo is getting more and more entertained by us. She loves to smile… as long as she’s getting her way. I’m starting to think that her temperament and personality might fall somewhere in between CarrBear and LiliBee. She’s not as laid back and mellow as LiliBee but also not as fussy and particular as CareBear was. We’ll find out tomorrow how big she is now.
The girls are pretty excited about going to Seaside. CareBear is counting the days until we leave and LiliBee keeps pulling out toys that she wants to take with us. It looks like it’s going to be rainy down there for the first half of our vacation, but there’s hope for the beginning of next week!
There probably won’t be much of an update next week (if at all), but I’ll probably upload some pictures up on the website or facebook if anyone cares to check there.
May 24th, 2010 at 18:53 (Weekly)
It was an interesting weather week around here, wasn’t it? We had just about everything roll through, which meant we spent a lot of time inside. Alice was ok with that, but the bigger kids got a little bored.
We did have a fun outing to the park for a preschool birthday party. The birthday girl was extremely lucky and had sunny skies for the 2 hours of her party (it rained hard both before and after!). CareBear and LiliBee had a great time playing, other than CareBear’s fall into the muddy bank of the creek… she didn’t like that at all.
We had a follow up appointment for CareBear’s tests and were happy to hear that they were pretty much normal. Good news for the brave patient!
LiliBee continued the tradition of drawing on the couch this week. Sometimes I wonder why I give them art supplies at all! On the other hand, she made lovely black stripes all up and down her legs so maybe it’s performance art.
AliBoo is officially 2 months old! She’s becoming very interested in what the rest of us are doing, though she can’t seem to figure us out just yet. We’ll find out next week how big she is.
Our planned play date was unfortunately canceled again (due to illness, their side this time). And it doesn’t look good for this week either! AliBoo woke up with a stuffy nose. CareBear woke up with a cough. And LiliBee is sneezing. Didn’t we just do this?
Yesterday was hair-cutting day around here. Chris’ hair was getting unruly so I gave my second haircut ever. Then CareBear wanted her hair cut, too, so I was going to give her a trim… but she moved! So both of them ended up with haircuts that were much shorter than I had planned, but at least they look ok.
This week will involve lots of vacation preparation. We’ll also be celebrating the end of school for CareBear with a preschool family fun day. I’m not sure what that involves, but LiliBee and AliBoo and I get to stay at school on Thursday and play so it should be fun. Hopefully, we’ll all be well by next week!
May 17th, 2010 at 21:40 (Weekly)
Here we are, halfway through May, and I’ve lost all track of time! AliBoo will be 8 weeks old this week. We have just 4 more school days until Summer vacation since we only go twice a week. And it just now occurred to me that we go off on vacation to Seaside in two weeks!
This week was lots of fun. We spent our nice days outside and even some of the rainy ones. Eating and/or drinking outside has become one of the favorite activities around here. CareBear has adopted the ants in the yard and spends a lot of time talking to them and keeping LiliBee from stepping on them. Luckily, LiliBee is little and usually barefoot so she does very little damage either way.
CareBear had her big appointment at Mary Bridge for the tests to find out if there’s a physical cause for her UTIs. The tests weren’t much fun, but CareBear was about as brave as could be expected. She actually only really objected to one part of one of the tests and was very cooperative otherwise. We should get the results sometime this week. LiliBee and AliBoo stayed with my folks while we were there… LiliBee had a great time, AliBoo mostly wondered where I was (sometimes loudly, I hear).
We had a big, fun field trip to the Vashon Ferry with the preschool. We had the misfortune of showing up on a day when the boat without an outside deck was running, which means that two or three preschool classes were trapped inside a stuffy little room (standing room only by the time we all crammed in there) for the trip over and back. The kids had a good time watching the cars load up and looking out the windows but they were pretty much done with it halfway through the trip. We then converged on Owens Beach, which was much more successful. The weather was beautiful and warm enough that the kids could wade in the water without being too hot. Our teacher set up a little tide pool and gather some starfish and crabs for the kids too look at and touch. LiliBee was fascinated by that. CareBear spent a lot of time throwing rocks in the water and running around with her friends. Chris was able to join us for the ferry ride before heading off to work, which was very exciting for the girls.
It was the first week of classes at the Y for this session. LiliBee is in a parent/child toddler gym (mostly chaotic running around with an obstacle course and circle time thrown in) and she’s pretty excited about having her own gymnastics class. CareBear is back in preschool gymnastics after taking a couple of months off to do swimming. She learned how to do the bear walk on the balance beam and is working on backwards rolls. Of course, she also does a lot of running around.
AliBoo is getting the hang of being a person now. She likes taking baths. She will occasionally let me put her down to make lunch or something without throwing a fit. And she woke up smiling today! (It gives me hope that I might actually be a productive member of the household again, eventually.) She’s pretty cute, too.
This week will bring “fun” days at school… we’ll be wearing our clothes backwards one day and wearing our favorite color on another. We have a preschool birthday party in the park on the weekend. And I hope to have a play date at some point! If only I could remember what else we’re supposed to do this week.
May 13th, 2010 at 12:00 (AliBoo stories)
I decided this week that I would try to get a picture of AliBoo smiling. Since she’s only been really smiling for a couple of weeks, it’s not very predictable. There were many faces on the way to the smile… I love digital cameras and not having to worry about how many pictures I’m taking!
A yawn.
A sneeze.
Some passing irritation?
A funny face.
On the verge…
A smile!
May 10th, 2010 at 17:15 (Weekly)
Ok, I was a total slacker for the last month or so. Chris finally called me on it, so the blog returns! Unfortunately, it looks like my formatting is going to need attention and I don’t know why the pictures won’t let me resize them. Guess the website feels neglected! But, that’s a problem for another time. Until then… the weekly update!
I hope everyone was able to enjoy the nice weekend and/or Mother’s Day. We had a pretty good time around here. The weather this weekend was so pretty that we spent most of it outside. CareBear and LiliBee had a great time running around, playing and helping with the yard work and AliBoo soaked up some sun and then complained that no one was holding her. We also had lots of “picnics”… I’m pretty sure they’d eat all of their meals outside if they could.
Mother’s Day was a pretty big event this year. CareBear is old enough to really get into it and LiliBee is always happy to go along with her. Chris took the girls to pick out a present, which turned into a big outing for them. They picked out a lovely locket necklace for me… heart shaped with “mom” on it. Now I just have to get some pictures printed up to go inside. I also received a couple of dry pasta and yarn necklaces and breakfast in bed! It was a very nice morning.
Unfortunately, I also got an ear infection for Mother’s Day so I got to spend some quality time at the urgent care clinic. My infection has since turned into a ruptured ear drum so I’m having a lot of fun now. At least my post-partum appointment went well and I’m cleared to lift small children again.
The girls celebrated the 70 degree weather by running through the sprinkler. Chris and I tried to talk them out of it, but they were insistent. They actually had a great time and didn’t get cold, believe it or not. I thought they were crazy.
This week should be interesting… CareBear is off to Mary Bridge for some testing, AliBoo will stay with Grams and Pas for the first time, we may or may not have a preschool field trip and both LiliBee and CareBear get to start another round of gymnastics at the Y. With any luck, we’ll shake off this run of annoying health problems and I’ll get to tackle all of the stuff that I’ve let slide for the last couple of months!